Seeking: Actor For Directing Workshop Scene
Potential Shoot Date: April 5th (In Class Performance), Shoot Date is flexible
Contact Name: Isabel Velasquez
Phone Number: 5129222303
Description: Hi! I’m Isabel and I am a juinior Radio-Television-Film. I am directing a scene from Normal People for my directing workshop class and I am looking for an actor to play Connell. This scene will also be shot and produced after its performance.
Role: Connell Waldron
Age Range: 18 - 22
Role Description: One of the most popular students at school and is reserved and shy. Connell is a star football player and a good student, and he cares greatly about maintaining his reputation.
Performance Date: in-class performance on April 5th during a 40 minute block between 11am - 2pm, shooting date of the scene tbd
Compensation: Non-paid, Digital copy of the finished scene
Audition Details: Please email headshot and resume to for sides and to schedule a audition (auditions be through zoom)
UT Affiliation: Student
