Seeking: PSA Competition Entries
Potential Shoot Date: 09/19/2022
Contact Name: Adina Lewis
Phone Number: 9542536949
Description: The Creative Coalition is hosting the Your Voice Carries Weight PSA Competition to motivate citizens to have a better understanding around obesity: a global epidemic that impacts more than four out of 10 U.S. adults. The Creative Coalition is the premier nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to educating, mobilizing, and activating the arts and entertainment communities on issues of public importance, harnessing their unique platforms to make positive impacts on social welfare issues. Similar to what the entertainment industry did to bring parity to mental illness, attention to sexual harassment, and making diversity and inclusion a priority, we are committed to destigmatizing obesity. The Your Voice Carries Weight PSA Competition encourages applicants to highlight stories that amplify the importance of seeking help for obesity. Three winners will receive: The first prize winner will be awarded $5,000. The second-place winner will be awarded $3,000. The third-place winner will be awarded $1,000. Winners will be featured in major public relations and social media campaigns. Winning PSAs may appear on national television, in publications, digitally, or on other platforms.
UT Affiliation: Student
