Seeking: Paid Employee
Rate: $2000-$6000
Dates Needed: 6/4/2023 to 8/2/2023
Contact Name: Mac Lindner
Phone Number: 712-723-8354
Description: We are an overnight Jewish summer camp based 45 minutes outside of Austin. We are looking for someone with some videographer and story telling skills to capture the magic of camp and share publicly. Ideally, the applicant would be at camp for the full length listed but dates are negotiable. Generally speaking, the job would involve a weekly recap video of activities at camp in the 5-7 minute range and a few short 1-3 min videos throughout the summer for promotional uses in the off-season. We provide room, board, and meals while at camp, days off, and much more. We are flexible with dates and times at camp; please feel free to reach out with any questions or interest.
