IF/Then Shorts and The Redford Center call for filmmakers to share their short documentary works-in-progress focusing on connecting or reconnecting with nature for a pitch and professional development workshop series at Big Sky Documentary Film Festival 2023. The opportunity celebrates storytellers and stories that spotlight the physical, mental, spiritual, social, and planetary benefits of restoring and strengthening humanity’s relationship with the natural world. We invite projects poised to help attain the vast benefits that time outdoors can contribute to individual, community, and environmental health.
As social culture moves increasingly online, society and technology have placed humankind on a path to becoming an indoor species. Today, we spend over 90% of our time indoors. This growing disconnection from nature negatively affects us in significant ways — from health problems exacerbated by nature deprivation to systemic inequities reinforced when communities lack access to the outdoors.
This call for entries seeks impactful stories of leaders, activists, and communities paving the way for creative and equitable solutions that reconnect individuals and communities with nature and the outdoors. Storytellers have a unique and important role to play in driving the culture change necessary to strengthen our care and respect for the natural world and champion efforts to break down systemic and individual barriers to access.
With this project, IF/Then and The Redford Center aim to increase representation of communities impacted most by environmental degradation and injustice and bring underrepresented and historically excluded communities and voices to the forefront.
An evolution and expansion on last year’s Nature Access Pitch partnership between IF/Then Shorts and The Redford Center, this opportunity focuses on supporting filmmakers’ career development and building skills to incorporate impact into storytelling practice.
Learn more HERE.
