The GDAD Industry-Student Networking Fair will be held on Tuesday, November 15 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm!
What is a networking fair? - It is an event where companies and students meet together. Companies may or may not have current job openings. However, it is a good way to get know people in companies and be prepared for the GDAD Career Fair on March 2, 2023. Also, companies may have job openings and sometimes they hire if they find you to be awesome. BTW, the GDAD Networking Fair is open to all classes at UT but the Career Fair is only open to upper-division students.
Is it in-person or virtual? - It is both at the same time. Crazy, right?
Where is the in-person part held? - FAC 2.236
Where is the virtual part held? -
Can I go to both? - We encourage you to go to both but you can choose to go to one, if you like.
Are the companies the same for both the in-person and virtual portion of the event? - No. The in-person companies are Zynga, Everi, Skeleton Keys, and Playable Worlds (Gordon Walton). The virtual companies are Zynga, Netease, Everi, SciPlay, and Gearbox.
Ok, so what is the best way to approach the fair? - Schedule sessions with companies in Handshake. Take your laptop (and power cord) and go to FAC 2.236 and visit the companies there. Grab swag. When the time comes for your online sessions, pop into one of the quiet side rooms to visit virtually. Then, go back and visit companies in person.
Wait, that's crazy, right? - Yes, crazy good! Take advantage of both modes at the same time!
Have questions? - Contact Dr. Toprac <>
