Seeking: Actors for Directing Workshop Scene (Baby Driver), (1 Male 1 Female)
Potential Shoot Date: 9/27/22,
Contact Name: Garrett Zartman
Phone Number: 817-602-4368
Description: Hi, my name is Garrett! I’m a junior in the UT RTF program and I’m casting for a scene from Baby Driver for an in-class performance in my Directing Workshop. This will involve a performance and workshop with a class of fellow student directors, many of whom are and will be actively producing, directing, and casting for films. I will also be filming this scene after the in-class performance and editing it to create a new version of the scene with this new performance. Contact: Please email headshot, resume, and any questions to Audition Times: Once you have emailed with the required materials, you will be sent the script sides for the audition and a link to sign up for a slot. In-person auditions are Sunday 9/11 from 1-4PM at the Moody College of Communication (exact location to be sent in follow-up email). Zoom auditions will be scheduled for Monday 9/12 from 1-4PM, but additional times may be accommodated. Please do not watch the movie scene being auditioned for! This project is intended to create an original telling of the scene both on the actors’ and director’s ends. Casting for: Baby, 18-25, male, a young getaway driver always listening to music, Debora gives him a reason to get away from the world of crime Debora, 20-27, female, a waitress with a love of singing just coasting through life, finds something interesting in Baby Commitment: 3 rehearsals in the week between casting and performance; Dates TBA (9/13-9/26) Performance workshop of scene in-class on Tuesday, 9/27 from approx. 2PM-5PM Filming of scene, a few hours in the week following the class performance; Date TBA and dependent on location approval Compensation: You will receive a digital copy of the in-class performance, as well as the filmed scene if completed
UT Affiliation: Student
