Seeking: Actors for UT Directing Workshop
Potential Shoot Date: Tuesday, 10/25/2022
Contact Name: Garrett Zartman
Phone Number: 8176024368
Scene from Knives Out (2019) (Unpaid) Online and In-Person Auditions Available
Location: Central Austin (UT Campus) Hi, my name is Garrett! I’m a junior in the UT RTF program and I’m casting for a scene from Knives Out for an in-class performance in my Directing Workshop. This will involve a performance and workshop with a class of fellow student directors, many of whom are and will be actively producing, directing, and casting for films. I will also be filming this scene after the in-class performance and editing it to create a new version of the scene with this new performance. Please email headshot, resume, and any questions to
Audition Times: Once you have emailed with the required materials, you will be sent the script sides for the audition and a link to sign up for a slot. In-person auditions are Friday 10/14 from 10am-1pm at the Moody College of Communication (exact room location to be sent in follow-up email). Zoom auditions will be scheduled for Saturday 10/15 from 1pm-4pm, but additional times may be accomodated. Though memorization is not expected, please read through the sides before the audition. As well, please refrain from watching the scene from the completed film Knives Out. This project is intended to create an original telling of the scene both on the actors’ and director’s ends.
Casting for: Marta, female ~18-25, Latina: A nurse assisting Harlan in his old age, brings Harlan a friendly companionship he struggles to find otherwise
Harlan, male 50+: A murder-mystery writer who loves his craft struggling with the effects that his success has had on his family
Commitment: 3 rehearsals in the week between casting and performance;
Dates TBA (10/15-10/24) Performance workshop of scene in-class on Tuesday, 10/25 from approx. 2PM-5PM Filming of scene at some point TBA following the performance in class, flexible scheduling.
Compensation: You will receive a digital copy of the in-class performance, as well as the filmed scene when completed
UT Affiliation: Student
