Seeking: male actors: young black male and 25-40 year old white male
Potential Shoot Date: october 6th
Contact Name: Alexis Davis
Phone Number: 9037482609
September 29th from 2-5 Location will be sent out when you email your resume and headshot!
Casting call for a UT Directing Workshop scene from Do the Right Thing (1989)
-Hi my name is Alexis Davis and I'm a junior studying Radio, Television, and Film. I am casting for a workshop presentation shown to all my fellow classmates who are aspiring Directors/filmmakers.
I'm looking for a 20-30 year old black male for the role of Mookie—- He’s a young black mail that works for Sal at Sal’s Pizzeria. He’s a very independent person. He’s upbeat, very outgoing, and is very well rounded
I’m also look for a 28-40 year old Italian/ white male for the role of Sal—- He’s a very loudmouth owner of Sal’s Pizzeria. He’s a smart, hardworking, and very dedicated man who tries to take pride in his work.
- Rehearsal will start on Sunday, October 2nd. Further information will be provided once casted
The set to film day will be Tuesday, October 6th and Thursday, October 6th
Location: TBA
You will also be performing in front of fellow Directors in the workshop! The performance date is Tuesday, October 11th! You will be provided with a script of the scene and don't feel any pressure to be off script of the audition If you would like the script before hand, please contact me ASAP
ALSO if you rather send in a video audition, please contact me ASAP
COMPENSATION: You will be provided with the final edited scene! ----I would like for all actors to not watch the scene or film before auditions. I want to see your on presentation of the character *******Send resumes and Headshots to me through email before hand *******
PLEASE reach out and ask any questions you have!!!
CONTACT: Alexis Davis
UT Affiliation: Student
