Selected films will be included in a public screening—which we anticipate being a part of an official 2022 SXSW community screening—and are eligible for placement on our Vimeo page and other promotional outlets. In addition, winners will receive film wristbands to 2022 SXSW and opportunities to meet with industry professionals to help advance their careers.
Eligibility Requirements:
Films must have been completed for a UT RTF course after December 1, 2020.
Films made for RTF 336 Special Projects in Radio-TV-Film do qualify.
Films produced for RTF 318 only qualify via instructor recommendation.
Films submitted to last year’s Showcase will not be eligible for re-submission.
Multiple submissions are acceptable.
You may be asked for a transcript or closed captioning.
You must own or have obtained all legal rights, clearances, and permissions necessary to exhibit the film, including the rights for images, text, copyrighted materials, and music included in the film.
To apply:
You will need to upload your film/s online (password-protected is fine) and include the URL/s on the form.
For each film you would like to submit, fill out a separate form:
DEADLINE TO APPLY: January 5, 2022
Submissions will be reviewed by a selection committee.
Questions? Contact Elana Wakeman
